SocentLabo was born out of the illusion of two friends with parallel career paths that converge in promoting human development and international cooperation, business ethics and talent management. We need to give back to the society part of what has been given to us. We do it encouraging and supporting initiatives with social content. We want to support the talent generating growth opportunities.
We are sensitive to the society in which we live and we intend to develop our business with the ultimate aim of improving it. Therefore we need to be in full contact with the social partners, sharing knowledge with government agencies, universities, NGOs and any group able to provide and share knowledge. Any collaboration is welcome. Contact with social groups and organizations helps us to detect some of the projects likely to bring social value. All initiatives have common elements: its social, ethical and responsible management, entrepreneurship and innovation. Even if they belong to completely different sectors, initiatives are based on the same values. Synergies that naturally represent a significant resource savings are established.
Our organization is a non-profit, seeking to create social businesses that will no longer be accompanied once they are autonomous and sustainable. Initiatives are incubated the time they need, they fly when they are able to do so. As we help, we also like to be helped.
We let ourselves be infected by the challenging ideas brought by entrepreneurs and we let ourselves to be accompanied by people attracted by our projects. All organizations aligned with our values have a place in our projectsWe are the ideal companion for projects partners such as internship projects, volunteering, PhD or academic investigations. We also incubate others projects putting our infrastructure at their service so they can develop their projects.
Once the right seeds are found, our work aims to create the right environment for good ideas being able to grow. Projects leaders decide which roads to take and tools needed to meet their goals. The multidisciplinary overview provides global support.
There are niche markets for social businesses. Consumers are increasingly aware of their influence when choosing a product or service. The current work environment is oriented to self-employment, cooperatives, micro -companies and any new form of business that does not involve large investments. Changing needs of today’s society, innovation, needs of vulnerable groups integration and constant changes environment generate opportunities that can be properly managed by social businesses.
Our Mission
We nest proposals, projects, ideas and initiatives with social character.
Social Entrepreneurship: we develop business projects with social value and economically sustainable.
«For us, a social business is a business project with high social value that benefits a specific community and meets a real business logic. Sustainability must of course be social but also economic».
We carefully choose business projects incorporated into the incubator.
Belonging to the incubator does not have any cost.
Our goal is to help make reality business ideas.
We negotiate case by case with each one of the entrepreneurs the shares distribution in businesses creation as well as any commissions on funds raised in funding rounds.
Connected with the academic World
We continually offer contents for final studies projects, PhD, Final Master projects, and volunteer projects, participating as mentors, supervisors or just providing technical support to the initiatives.
We promote and participate in training activities within our areas of interest:
- Human Development and Humanitarian Aid
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship
- Social Businesses management
Our Values
CUSTOMER ORIENTED. Projects are born to satisfy customers. We identify them, we investigate and know their needs and expectations, we evaluate their satisfaction and develop the necessary reiterations to improve the value proposal.
TEAMWORK. We work with who we need at all times, without any chart but with an active and socialized project management as well as with the individual commitment of all of us. Working groups are formed according to the needs, we share and we help by sharing knowledge.
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT. We use what is needed at each stage. We only allocate resources to actions that add value. We discard anything that is not adding or is not working.
SYNERGY. Together we can go far. The network allows mutual help.
SUSTAINABLE PROJECTS. Each project is autonomous and independent. Initiatives are managed from the Business Incubator to optimize resources and efficiency. All the ideas are studied in order to determine if they are potentially profitable and socially responsible.
SOCIAL PURPOSE. Projects purpose is social and economic at the same time. Ethics is integrated into decision-making, by all and for all. We optimize the social impact of each business projects.
GLOBAL VISION. There is no geographical area. The World is the global stage.