Here you can find relevant documents about Social Entrepreneurship, Social Business, Base of the Pyramid and other issues related.
The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid
C.K. Prahalad and Stuart L. Hart
stategy+business issue 26, first quarter 2002.
Sets the basis of successful business models to be carried out by multinational corporations, explaining how providing goods and services to the poorest people in the world can profit to the MNCs and to the 4 billion people market, at the bottom of the financial pyramid.
Next Generation Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid: New Approaches for Building Mutual Value
Ted London,Stuart L. Hart
Paperback 2011, ISBN 0134271467
The future of BoP business is to create fortune with the base of the pyramid, rather than finding it there. To explain this idea, the authors divide the book into three sections, explaining business ventures leaders how to make a better approach to BoP markets. These three parts are: Roadmaps to Success, where the first stage of these innovative business strategies is explained; Strategic Opportunities, illustrating the dependence between the base and the top of the pyramid ; and Effective Implementation, in which both markets are contrasted, with prospective changes in them.
Business Strategies for the Bottom of the Pyramid (Collection)
Ted London,Stuart L. Hart,Eric Kacou
This is a collection of three books: “Entrepreneurial Solutions for Prosperity in BoP markets”, “Next Generation Business Strategies for the Base of the Pyramid” and “Capitalism at the Crossroads”. It starts explaining the current situation of these markets, and how solutions are starting to be provided. Efficiency and Sustainability are taken in consideration, as to make this solutions durable. The development of Rwanda is used in this book as an example to illustrate all explanations.
L’entrepreneuriat social en France – Réflexions et bonnes pratiques
Centre d’analyse stratégique, rapports et documents, nº56, 2013
Provides elements of perspective about social entrepreneurship, presenting the context in which it evolves, its players, difficulties, but also its success and the discussions it provokes. Introduces nine examples of social entrepreneurship in France, as well as many french and international social companies.
Banker to the Poor: Micro-lending and the battle against world poverty
Muhammad Yunus
PublicAffairs 1999, ISBN 1-58648-198-3
Yunus speaks about his well-known project “Grameen Bank”. The origin of the idea and how he managed to make it a reality, through all the problems he had to face. Then it is explained how the idea of this “bank for the poor” could also be applied in rich countries, such as United States. Finally, he takes a look at the future of these projects.
Building Social Business: The new kind of capitalism that serves humanity’s most pressing news.
Muhammad Yunus
PublicAffairs 2010, ISBN 978-1-58648-956-4
Yunus shows how social business, that was not long ago just a theory, has nowadays become an inspiring practice. This book contains anecdotes, cases of study and advices about social business, as well as its implementations and maintenance.
Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism
Muhammad Yunus
PublicAffairs, 2007, ISBN 978-1-58648-493-4
Proposes a new and more humane form of capitalism that allows the elimination of poverty. Yunus tells the stories of the first examples of social entrepreneurship, including his own microcredit Grameen Bank or his collaboration with the Danone company.
¿Qué es el emprendimiento social?
Juan Francisco del Cerro
Ebook 2015
This completely free book offers the key tools and a complete look to social business for those entrepreneurs who want to start a positive-impact business. It contains (among others) the context, the definition, the legal framework, the paradigms, origins and mexican examples of social entrepreneurship.
A Positive Theory of Social Entrepreneurship
Filipe M. Santos
2009, Fontainebleau INSEAD, Working Paper Series
Suggests a conceptual framework of how social entrepreneurship works. This paper explains the compromise between value creation and value capture, defining social entrepreneurship as the seek of sustainable answers to disregarded problems with positive externalities.
Tipping the World: The Power of Collaborative Entrepreneurship.
Drayton, B.
Published on the McKinsey What Matter site, 8 April 2010.
This is an article in which the characteristics social entrepreneurs are defined: attentive listeners and confident, they have the ability to lead people and make a change in the pattern of a society. These are the entrepreneurs searched by Ashoka, an organisation that pursues making a social change worldwide, with fellows based in every continent. Ashoka puts them in contact so they can cooperate and increase their social impact.
What is a social entrepreneur.
Ashoka (2013).
A social entrepreneur is someone with innovative solutions to current social problems. They are visionaries, but practical at the same time, implementing ideas that are supported by the majority of society. Therefore these ideas are ethical and sustainable, aiming to change society for the better. Some examples in History of social entrepreneurs would be: Susan B. Anthony, Dr. Maria Montessori and Jean Monnet.
Social entrepreneurship: Key issues and concepts
Trevis Certo, Toyah Miller
Business Horizons (2008) 51, 267—271
Defines what a social entrepreneur is, by comparing commercial and social entrepreneurship. The objective of the profits of the company (helping those in society who need it most), or the difficulties to find financial support (because there will be no material gain in return) are characteristic of social entrepreneurship. The article is optimistic about the future of social business, since it is becoming more popular and present in our society.
Manual para administrar empresas sociales
(Corporaciones, ONG, Fundaciones, Organizaciones Sociales y Otras Entidades sin Fines de Lucro)
Corporación Simón de Cirene
It introduces the basic concepts and definitions of social entrepreneurship, its objective and the considerations that should be made before starting a business. It explains the structure that this business should have, the areas it should have (including Services, Fundraising, Administration). Finally the legal aspect for this kind of nonprofit business is explained.
Emprendimiento social y económico en España: Guía de recursos para jóvenes emprendedores/as
Santiago Pérez Camarero, Álvaro Hidalgo Vega, Silvia Balaguer García, Elena Pérez Cañellas
Instituto de la Juventud, 2009
Offers a panoramic and general vision about social entrepreneurship in Spain, in order to make the first approach easier. Presents multiple currently existent tools and information in different sources or organisms, from local to international scope and both private and public.
Emprendimiento social: Criterios empresariales en la actividad solidaria
Es Posible, Diciembre 2012, número 31
Presents the fourth sector, the sector of social entrepreneurship, which allows to create wealth as well as creating a positive social and environmental impact. The fourth sector provides sustainable solutions to more and more varied activities and problems. Some examples of social businesses such as La Fageda and Ashoka are introduced.
Viabilidad del Emprendimiento Social
Raúl Contreras y Nuria González (Nittúa, plataforma para el cambio social)
Guide with the things to consider when starting a social entrepreneurship project. The keys for social entrepreneurship are collected here, such as the business model, its implications and objectives. It also explains elements such as the legal framework and the productive process or the marketing in the company. Finally it insists on the social responsibility of these enterprises, and their economical viability.
El emprendimiento social
Revista Española del tercer sector, Nº17, abril 2011
Analyses the nature and development of social businesses and more generally of social entrepreneurship through different articles of european and spanish experts of the subject.
La innovación social en chile y el rol del estado en su desarrollo
Escuela de administración, Universidad Pontificia Católica de Chile, Enero 2012
This research tries to promote innovation and social entrepreneurship in Chile. Provides a theoretical framework, the story and evolution of social businesses in the country, studies the part of the State and proposes some recommendations that could be implemented in Chile.
Social Entrepreneurship: Definition and Boundaries
Samer Abu-Saifan
Technology Innovation and Management Review, February
Proposes a definition of the notion of social entrepreneurship by raising some boundaries that would allow to differentiate the social entrepreneur in the spectrum of entrepreneurship.
Propuesta de Emprendimiento Social para los Recicladores del Barrio de Santa Librada, Bogotá D.C.
Proyecto de Investigación: Melissa Vanegas Navas, Daniel Esteban Vargas Dávila (2011)
This investigation aims to promote recycling in the city of Bogotá, as it would improve the standard living of its citizens, recyclers and their families. It searches for social support at schools, educating children, and gives examples of the work that is being made in other countries of Latin America, like Brazil or Chile. The data used in the investigation comes from making surveys to the people in the neighbourhood of Santa Librada (Bogotá, Colombia).
Análisis y Comparación de Modelos de Negocio Sociales
Proyecto Fin de Carrera: Luis Poveda Salinas (2013)
In the future there will be an increasing number of social enterprises. This project studies the differences between social and conventional entrepreneurship, and non-profit organizations. These companies focus on economic sustainability, without competing between them. This requires an initial commitment from both sides, companies and clients, in order to work.
The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Succesful Businesses
Eric Ries
2011, ISBN 978-0-307-88789-4
This book first gives a vision to a new entrepreneurial discipline: startups. It defines the concept, and gives advice to new entrepreneurs in this field. It guides the evaluation of a startup’s progress, with key points such as when to keep going or change the way the work being done. Finally it gives several tips to accelerate their growth, and implementing them in big companies.,+Eric+Ries.&hl=es&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkmpih6r_LAhUD7hoKHZc2BKMQ6AEILTAA#v=onepage&q=The%20lean%20Startup%20method%2C%20Eric%20Ries.&f=false
The Secret History of Silicon Valley
Steve Blank
Google Tech Talks
Blank’s Talk presents the genesis of Silicon Valley and the emerging Silicon Valley’s start-up innovation in the 1940s and 1950s, mostly based on the defence business.